#MoveForward – It’s time to take a break

#MoveForward – After 25 years as founder and owner of Talisman PR, it’s time to take a break. I thank everyone who has accompanied me on this incredible journey through 25 years in PR and digital business. This includes all the wonderful companies, colleagues and partners who have put their trust in me, all the media partners I’ve worked with and brought stories to life together. And of course my family, especially my children, who had to understand that their mother didn’t always have the time to play or celebrate together because she was away on business or had a ton of work to do. So, what’s next? I will use the break to relax, travel, write, gather new inspiration in global pr & communication, and meet business friends around the world. And hopefully I can help on a ranch to save mustangs in the US. Thanks to everyone who helped me grow and move forward. This was such a fantastic ride! Wish you all a happy, peaceful and exciting 2023. #25 #thankful #2023 #experience #development

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